Forum Fantastikindia


Démarré par lalita, 28 Mars 2007 à 16:47:47

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Voici l'article dans lequel il appelle au secours

CitationYou seem to be quite passionate about the entire theater going experience.
And why not? Every film deserves a chance to be seen on the big screen. Good or bad, you have all the right reasons to comment on it but at least watch it there and then decide if you want to make it a success or a failure. It is so easy to see that I am not gonna watch this film at the theaters, but the question is why? Just because it is a relatively smaller film? In that case can I give you examples of so many big films that have failed to work this year or before this? But you still went for them, paid for the tickets at least in the first weekend and then complained that it wasn't good enough. You pay for big films and then you curse them!

I can't do films where I am required to be shown as a guy of today who still says that I won't sleep with a girl till I get married.   
You are sounding too emotional.
I have all the reasons to be so. And that's because I can't do films where I am required to be shown as a guy of today who still says that I won't sleep with a girl till I get married. Or a guy who is happy crooning 'Mummyji-Papaji' from beginning till the end of the film. I am here to be part of cinema where at least there is an attempt being made to make something path-breaking, something unique while still being so commercially viable. You tell me, how many big films in the recent past have been path breaking, but you have still paid for them, haven't you?

Yes, I have.
So then why not watch something as interesting as ECKLL too. I need support, we all need support. Why not encourage people like Sanjay, me, Neha and others? Because if you don't then fair enough, I will pack my bags and move on. I will give up. Simple!

Vite, sauvons Abhay Deol !! Militons pour que les gens s'intéressent à ses films !! Perso, je ne l'ai vu que dans Ahista Ahista. Très convaicant  :)
Vas-y clic pour TAHO !!